January 28

Logical Parts of AAD Connect

AAD Connect has following logical components:


Connected Data Source

Connector (aka Management Agent)

Connector Space




Connected Data Source  – CDS

This is the system that keeps the data out side of AAD Connect. This can be either a source system or a target system. In case of AAD Connect default installation there are 2 CDS’s: on-premises Active Directory as source directory and Azure Active Directory as target system.


Connector (aka Management Agent)

This is a small peace of the sync engine, that keeps the connection to the connected data source. This imports and exports the data from and to the CDS. The imported data are scoped by Domain, organizationalUnits, objectTypes and attributes (in case of Active Directory).  To be honest I do not like the name connector because this name has two meanings AAD Connect:

      1. Connector that keeps the connection to the connected data source (aka Management Agent)
      2. Connector: connectivity between metaverse object and connector space object

The connector has also some configurations: how to connect to the data source and run profiles.


Connector Space:

The connector (management agent) reads the objects from the connected data source and creates a local copy (a kind of cache). This local copy is stored in the connector space. This is a special area what contains a scoped / filtered objects from the connected data source. Each connector (management agent) has its own connector space.



This is the central area of AAD Connect. This contains the calculated data. This means that the imported data from the connected data source are modified by the synchronization rules and the result ins stored in the metaverse.


Happy Troubelshooting!

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Posted January 28, 2021 by akos.regi in category "AAD Connect", "Logical Components